Suppose we have two servers dba1 and dba2.On the first server dba1 we have production databas
and on the second server we want to create stand by database .In order to configure dataguard follow
the given steps.
1.create a cross network between two servers production
and standby
and on the second server we want to create stand by database .In order to configure dataguard follow
the given steps.
1.create a cross network between two servers production
and standby
]$ vi listener.ora
prod =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = dba1)(PORT = 3456))
SID_LIST_prod =
(SID_NAME = dharam)
(ORACLE_HOME = /oraeng/app/oracle/product/11.2.0)
After configure listener start the listener
]$ lsnrctl start prod
]$ vi tnsnames.ora
to_prod =
(SID = dharam)
]$ tnsping to_prod
]$ vi listener.ora
stand =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = dba2)(PORT = 4567))
SID_LIST_stand =
(SID_NAME = dharam)
(ORACLE_HOME = /oraeng/app/oracle/product/11.2.0)
]$ lsnrctl start stand
]$ vi tnsnames.ora
to_stand =
(SID = dharam)
]$ tnsping to_stand
2.Create a separate directory at production
]$ mkdir /disk1/oradata/dharam/dg
]$ cp *.dbf *.log /disk1/oradata/dharam/dg
dbs]$ orapwd file=orapw$ORACLE_SID password=sys force=y
]$ cp orapw$ORACLE_SID /disk1/oradata/dharam/dg
3.In pfile at production add these parameters
]$ vi $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init$ORACLE_SID.ora
log_archive_dest_1='location= /disk1/oradata/dharam/arch'
log_archive_dest_2='service= to_stand lgwr sync affirm reopen=5’
standby_archive_dest= /disk1/oradata/dharam/arch
standby_file_management = auto
]$ cp init$ORACLE_SID.ora /disk1/oradata/dharam/dg
]$ sqlplus / as sysdba we will create stand by controlfile.
sys> startup mount
sys> alter database create standby controlfile as
5.Bring all the CRD files from production to stand by server
]$ export ORACLE_SID=dharam
]$ mkdir /disk1/oradata/dharam
we need to bring all the files from production server to stand by server either through ftp or any other way . Then copy parameterfile and password file to dbs location of standby database .
]$ cp init$ORACLE_SID.ora orapw$ORACLE_SID $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
Open the pfile and give controlfile name as stand.ctl and service=to_prod
6.Mounting stand by database
]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
sys > startup nomount
sys > alter database mount standby database;
Keep standby database in MRM mode and take some log switches at production side.
sys>alter database recover managed standby database;
7.Now check the consistency of standby database
On production
sys>alter system switch logfile;
sys>archive log list;
On standby
sys>archive log list;
archive log sequence should be same.
sys > select name, applied from v$archived_log;
If all archive log files are applying, then configuration is fine.
nice xplanation sir.sir try to post ur real time issues it will help me lot